Thursday, May 30, 2019

C Programming : program to find sum and product of two numbers;

/* Program to find the sum and product of two numbers */

void main()
int a,b,sum=0,product=0;
printf("\n Enter the value of a and b );
printf("\n The sum of a and b is = %d",sum);
printf("\n The product of a and b is = %d",product);
getch( );


Enter the value of two numbers     60  


The sum of a and b is 63
The product of a and b is 180

In this program we are adding two numbers and multiplying two numbers with the help of programming language.
First we are declaring the two variable i.e., a and b and the variable sum and product with zero.
Then we are entering the message to enter two numbers. Then the condition of sum and product are written so that it can execute the program.
Lastly the answers of the above mentioned question are printed.
Finally it will look like as shown below-

 And the outputs are as follows:

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

C Programming : Program to swap two numbers

/* Program to swap two numbers */

void main( )
float A,B;
printf("\n Enter the value of A  ");
scanf("%f ",&A);
printf("\n Enter the value of B  ");
scanf("%f ",&B);
printf("\n  Numbers before swapping are :- \n A=%f\nB=%f",A,B); 
printf("\n Numbers after swapping are :-");
printf("\n A=%f \nB=%f",A,B);


Enter the value of

Enter the value of B
Numbers before swapping are :-
Numbers after swapping are:-
Now the demonstration of the output is shown below:

C Programming : Program to check whether a given string is palindrome or not.

/* Program to check whether a given string is palindrome or not without using string function */

#include<stdio.h>                                                 // header file
#include<conio.h>                                                 // header file
#include<string.h>                                                // header file
int main( )
char name[50];                                       // variable declaration
int i,length,len;                                       // variable declaration
printf("\n Enter the string ");
                            // calculating the length of the  given string
for(i=0;i<len/2;i++)                                    // looping statement
if(name[i]!=name[ len-1-i ])             // conditional statement
printf("\n Not a palindrome ");                // printing message
if( i==len/2)                                         // conditional statement
printf("\n It is Palindrome ");                   // printing message
getch( );


Enter the string
Not a palindrome

Enter the string
 It is Palindrome
The Output will be shown as given below:

In this program we are checking the given string is palindrome or not without using the strcmp( ), strcpy( ),and strrev( ) function.
Firstly, we use the header file which replaces the necessary files into the source code file.
Then we declare the variable and printing the message to enter the string.
Then we calculate the length of the given string and then conditional statement is used. If the condition is true then the first message is printed and if the conditional statement is false then the control statement executes the  second conditional statement. The output is shown above:
In the first statement , the entered statement is not a palindrome and  in the second statement, the entered statement is palindrome.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

C language : Array

Array :     An array is a collection of similar type of data element. It can store only those elements which are of same datatype .
   for eg.             int n[10];

Characteristic of an array:

1. This is homogeneous collection of data elements.

2. Sometimes it is called sub-scripted variable (Index/dimension).

3. When we are assigning array, its type and dimension must be declared.

4. Arrays always stores the elements in contiguous memory location.

5. Whatever, size of the array by default may be it starts to store the element from the zero (0) location location will be one less than the  size of the array.

Declaration of an array:
Every variable must be declared before it is used. The same concept is true in case of array variable also. The array must be declared before its use. Declaring an array means specifying three things:
1. Data type- What kind of value it can store.
  for eg. int, char, float , double.
2. Name to identify the array.
3. Size- The maximum number of values that the array can hold.

Syntax of array:- datatype name[size];
                             eg. int a[10];

Accessing elements of the array:
For accessing an individual elements of array, the array subscript must be used.
 For eg.
 To access the fourth element of the array, we must write arr[3]; . The subscript/ index must be an integral value or an expression that evaluates to an integral value . To access all the elements of the array , we must use a loop. There is no single statement that can do the work i.e., we can access all the elements of the array by varying the value of the subscript into the array. But note that the value of the subscript must be an integral for an expression that evaluates to an integral value. To process all elements of the array we will use a loop as shown:
int i,a[10];
printf (" enter the element");
scanf ("%d",&a[i]);

Calculating the address of array element
An array store all its data element in contiguous memory location.So storing just the base address, i.e, the address of the first element in the array is sufficient. The  address of other data element can simply be calculated using the base address. The formula for doing this calculation is:
Address of data element, A[K]=BA(A)+W(K-lower_bound)
Here A is the array, K is the index of the element for which we have to calculate the address, BA is the base address of the array A, w is the word size of one element in memory ( for example, size of int is 2) and lower bound is the index of the first element in the array.
for eg.
Q.  calculate the address of marks [4] if base address = 1000 given an array int marks[] = {99,67,52,92,71,63}
A.                       99            67            52               92           71          63
       marks        [0]           [1]           [2]            [3]           [4]          [5]
                        1000        1002        1004       1006        1008      1010
we know that storing an integer value we require 2 bytes therefore here,word size is 2 bytes.
marks[4] =1000+2(4-0)
                 = 1000+2*4

Storing values in array:
When we declare and define an array, we are just allocating space for the element; no values are stored in the array. To store values in the array there are three ways-
First to initialize the array element; second to input value for every individual element; third to assign values to the element.

Initialization of array:
Elements of the array can also be initialized at the time of declaration as in the case of every other variable.When an array is initialized we need to provide a value for every element in the array. Array are initialized by writing,

data_type array_name[size] = {list of values };
The values are written with curly braces and every values is separated by a comma.
for eg.          int marks[5] = {90,43,65,66,85};

 While initializing the array at the time of declaration, the programmer may omit to mention the size of the array.
 for eg.    int marks[ ] = {56,47,77,92,18};
The above statement is absolutely true, Here the compiler will allocate space for all initialized elements.
If the number of values provided is less than the number of element in the array, then  an unassigned elements are filled with zeros.

for eg.      int marks[5] = {1,2,3,4,5};

                  1      2        3         4           5
                 [0]    [1]     [2]     [3]         [4]

                 int marks[5] = {1,2};
                 1       2         0        0          0
                 [0]    [1]     [2]      [3]       [4]

                 int marks[ ] = {1,2,3,4,5};
                  1         2       3         4         5
                 [0]       [1]    [2]      [3]       [4]
                 int marks[5] = {0};

                 0       0          0           0        0
                 [0]    [1]        [2]       [3]      [4]

If we have more initializers than the declared size of the array, then a compile time error will be generated.
 for eg.   The following statement will result in error:
                    int marks[3] = {1,2,3,4,5};

Calculating the length of array:
Length of an array is given by the number of elements stored in it. The general formula to calculate the length of the array is -
Length = upper bound- lower bound + 1
where upper bound is the index of the last element and lower bound is the index of the first element in the array. Usually lower bound is zero but this is not a compulsion as we can have an array whose index start from non-zero value.

for eg.    int A[2] = {0,1};
           Here, lower bound = 0 and upper bound  = 1
           By formula, it's length is UB -LB +1
                                                 = 0+1+1=> 2
                   Therefore, length is 2


PASSING INDIVIDUAL ELEMENTS:    The individual elements of an array can be passed to a function either by passing their address or their data values.

 PASSING DATA VALUES:      The individual elements can be passed in the same manner as we  pass variables of any other data type condition is just that the data type of the element must match the type of the function parameter.
for eg.             main()
                           int arr[5] = {1,2,3,4,5};
                          void func(int num)

In the above example only one element of the array is passed to the calling function. This is done by using the index expression.
So arr[3] ; actually evaluates to single integer value . The called function hardly bothers weather a normal integer variable is passed to it or an array value is passed.

PASSING ADDRESS:  Like a ordinary variable we can pass the address of an individual element by preceding the address operator (&) to the element index reference. Therefore to pass the address of the fourth element of the array to the called function we will write &arr[3].
However, in the called function, the value of the array element must be accessed using the indirection operator (*).          
for eg             main()
                             int arr[3] = {0,1,2};
                           void func(int *num)

PASSING THE ENTIRE ARRAY:     The array name refers to the first byte of the array in the memory. The address of the rest of the element in the array can be calculated using the array name      and the index value of the element Therefore, when we need to pass an entire array to a function we can simply pass the name of the array.
for eg.                               main ()
                                      int arr[5] = {1,2,3,4,5};
                                        void func(int arr[5])
                                             int i;
                                      printf("\n   %d",arr[i]);

TWO DIMENSIONAL ARRAY: One dimensional array is organized linearly and only in one direction but at times, we need to store data in the form of matrics or tables.
Two dimensional array specified using two subscript or index one subscript denotes row and another subscripts denotes column .
Similar to one dimensional array, two dimensional array must be declared before being used. The declaration statement tells the compiler the name of the array, the data type of each element in the array and the size of each dimension. A two dimensional array is declared as:
data_type  array_name [row_size][column];
Therefore, a two dimensional array mXn array is an array that contain mXn data elements and each element is accessed using two subscript i and j where i is less than or equal to m and j is less than or equal to n.
For example.
If you want to store the marks obtained by 3 student in five different subjects then we can declare two dimensional array as-
int marks[3][5];

Two dimensional array is initialized in the same way as one dimensional array
for eg. 
   int marks[2][3] ={90,87,76,34,72,66};
The initialization of a two dimensional array is done row by row.The above statement can also be written as as-
      int marks[2][3] = {{90,87,76},{34,72,66}};
The given two dimensional array has a 2 row and 3 columns. Here the element in the first row are initialized first and then the elements of a second row are initialized.
   marks [0][0] = 90                   marks [0][1] = 87             marks [0][2] = 76
   marks [ 1][0] = 34                   marks [1][1] = 72            marks [1][2] = 66

In the case of one dimensional array,if the size of the array is completely initialized ,we may omit the size of the array.Same concept can be applied to a two dimensional array except that only the size of the first dimensional  can be omitted. Therefore, the declaration statement given below is valid
for eg.  int marks[ ][3]={{90,87,76},{34,72,66}};

The element in a multidimensional array are stored in contiguous memory allocation. While accessing the elements, remember that the last subscript varies  most rapidly where the first varies least rapidly.
   In case of one dimensional array be used, we used a single for loop to vary the index i in every pass so that all the elements could be scanned. Similarly, since a two-dimensional array contain two subscript, we will use two for loop to scan the element.


There are three ways of passing parts of the two-dimensional array to the function.
First we can pass individual element of the array as in case of one dimensional array.
Second we can pass a single row of the two dimensional array. This is equivalent to passing the entire one dimensional array to a function.
Third we can pass the entire two dimensional to the function.

A row of two dimensional array can be passed by indexing the array name with row number. When we send a single row of the two-dimensional array, then the called function receives a one-dimensional array.
For example
int arr[2][3]= {{1,2,3},{4,5,6}};
void func(int arr[ ])
int i;
for (i=0;i<5;i++)
printf("\n %d",arr[i]*10);

To pass a 2D array to a function, we use the array name as actual parameter. However, the parameter in the called function must indicate that the array has two dimensions.

Multidimensional arrays in simple terms is an array of arrays. Like we have one index in One dimension, two indices in two dimension, in the same way we have n number of indices in a n dimensional array.
      Multidimensional array contains as many indices as needed and the requirement of the memory increases with the number of indices used. However, practically, we will hardly used more than three indices in any program.
For example    int arr[2][2][2];

C programming : Program to reverse a number

/* Program to find a reverse of a number */

void main( )
int a,b,c,n,rev;
printf("\n Enter the value of n ");
printf("\n The reverse of a given number is %d",rev);


Enter the value of n
The reverse of a given number is321
The output will be seen as shown below:

C programming : Program to find the sum of digits of three digit numbers.

/* Program to find the sum of the digits of a three digit numbers */

void main( )
int n,a,b,c,sum=0;
printf("\n Enter the value of n ");
printf("\n Sum of the digits of three digit numbers is %d",sum);


Enter the value of n
Sum of the digits of three digit numbers is 21


C programming : Program to find the average of natural numbers

/* Program to find the average of natural numbers */

void main()
int i,n,sum=0;
float avg;
printf("\n Enter the value of n :");
for (i=1;i<=n;i++)
printf("\n The average of natural numbers is %f",avg);


Enter the value of n
The average of natural numbers is 5.0000
Now the output will be seen as:

Friday, May 10, 2019

C programming : Program to find the sum of natural numbers

/* Program to find the sum of natural numbers in C programming langu */

void main ()
int i,n,sum=0;
printf ("\n Enter the value of n ");
scanf ("%d",&n);
for (i=1;i<=n;i++)
printf ("\n The sum of n natural numbers is %d",sum);


Enter the value of n
The sum of n natural numbers is 55
Now the output will be seen as:


C programming : Program to find the sum and product of two numbers

/* Program to find the sum and product of two numbers */

void main ()
int a,b,sum=0, product=0;
printf ("\n Enter the value of a and b ");
scanf ("%d %d",&a,&b);
printf ("\n The sum of two numbers is %d",sum);
printf (" \n The product of two numbers is=%d",product );


Enter the value of a and b
The sum of two numbers is 18
The product of two numbers is72
Now the output will be seen as given below:

C language : Iterative statement

                      Iterative statement in C language          

  Iterative statement:-  Iterative statements are used to repeat the execution of a list of statement, depending on the value of an integer expression.C language support three types of iterative statement. It is also known as the looping statement. They are-

1. While loop
2 .Do while loop
3. For loop

1 .while loop- 
 The while loop provides a mechanism to repeat one or more statement while a particular condition is true. The syntax of while loop are given below:

statement X;
statement block;
statement Y;

In the while loop, the condition is tested before any of the statement in the statement block is executed. If the condition is true, only then the statement will be executed otherwise if the condition is false, the control will jump to statement Y, which is the immediate statement  outside the while loop block.

For eg.            /*print first ten numbers */

void main()
int i=0;

2. do-while loop-
The do-while loop is similar to the while loop. The only difference is that in a do-while loop, the test condition is tested at the end of the loop. Now that the test condition is tested at the end, this clearly means that the body of the loop gets executed at least one time (even if the condition is false ). The syntax of a do-while loop is shown in below: 

statement X;
statement block;
while (condition);
statement Y;

The main disadvantage of using a do-while loop is that it always execute at least once, even if the user enter some invalid data, the loop will execute.
However, the do-while loop are widely used to print a list of option for a menu driven program.

For eg.            /* program for sum and average of first n natural numbers. */

void main()
int n,i=0,sum=0;
float avg=0.0;
printf("Enter the value of n ");
printf("\n The sum of first n natural numbers is %d ",sum);
printf("\n The average of first n natural numbers is %f ",avg);

3. for loop-

Like the while and do-while, the for loop provides a mechanism to repeat a task until a particular condition is true. "for loop " is usually known as a determinate or definite loop because the programmer knows exactly how many times the loop will repeat. The number of times the loop has to be executed can be determined mathematically by checking the logic of the loop. The syntax of for loop is given below:

for(initialization ; condition; increment/decrement update )
statement block;
statement Y;

When the for loop is used, the loop variable is initialized only once. With every iteration of these loops, the value of loop variable is updated and the condition is checked. If the condition is true, the statement block of the loop is executed else the statement comprising the statement block of the loop are skipped and the control jumps to the immediate statement following the for loop body.
            The for loop is widely used to execute a single or a group of statement a limited number of times. Another point to consider is that in a for loop, condition is tested before the statement contained in the body are executed. So if the condition does not hold true, then the body of the loop may never get executed.

For eg.              /* program to print the following pattern */

void main()
int i,j,count=0;
printf("\n ");
printf("\n %d",count++);


FUNCTION C enables programmer to break up a program into segments commonly known as functions, each of which can be written more or...